Homeowner Grants Increased from €5,000 to €12,000 for Septic Tank Upgrades

Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien announced this week that there will be an increase from €5,000 to €12,000 for homeowners to upgrade their septic tank systems.
He has also stated that the qualifying condition that the homeowner must have registered their septic tank with their local authority before 1st February 2013 will be done away with.
This means that more homeowners will now qualify for the upgrade grants. A report recently showed that there was a 50% failure rate in inspected septic tank systems, along with 20% being of immediate risk to humans according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
To avail of these grants, homeowners need to register their septic tank with their local authority and wait for inspection by them. If the inspectors fail the septic tank, the homeowner can then apply for the grant.
Want to find out more?
If you would like to know more about apply for a grant to upgrade your septic tank clock on Navigating Septic Tank Grants in Ireland.